The Future of Clinical Decision Support Content Transparent, interoperable, customizable… so you can deliver evidence-based, patient-specific decision support at your finger tips.

What if you could look up any clinical decision, based on a particular patient scenario, and find out what type of evidence supports or challenges such decision?

The Harvard Library of Evidence provides clinicians, EMR vendors, and IT professionals with curated, interoperable content to embed into your pre-existing EMR so that you can deliver real-time, evidence-based clinical recommendations at the point of care.

Our dedicated team of librarians, clinicians, and engineers has created a library of annotated, graded recommendations regarding appropriate use of testing, using IT-industry interoperability standards. With each piece of logic having been assessed based on quality and strength of evidence, you can pick and choose the content you trust most. In order to meet PAMA requirements, we have initially focused on imaging but will soon be expanding to all diagnostic testing for which evidence-based guidance exists.

Our curation and grading process is based on a framework that has previously been shown to be effective and replicable (Lacson et al, JAMIA, 2016).

Combining our content with a computerized decision support delivery application, the result is an evidence-based, customizable recommendation engine for providers so they can take care of patients at the highest care standard.

The Harvard Library of Evidence Content can help you:

  •  Optimize clinician’s time and workflow
  •  Improve quality of care
  •  Get more value from your EMR
  •  Reduce alert fatigue
  •  Reduce costs