Ronilda Lacson, MD, PhD
Dr. Ronilda Lacson completed her PhD in Computer Science and M.S. in Medical Informatics degrees at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She completed her research fellowhip in Biomedical Informatics at the Brigham & Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School (HMS) Biomedical Informatics Research Training (BIRT) program, after completing her MD degree from the University of the Philippines and her Internal Medicine residency training at Harbor Hospital Center in Baltimore, MD. She has grants and publications on implementation and evaluation of clinical decision support systems and knowledge representation of clinical guidelines. Her research spans a wide range of topics in informatics, and includes natural language processing and machine learning to extract structured and meaningful data from clinical narratives and medical records. She is currently an Assistant Professor of Radiology at HMS and Faculty at the Center for Evidence-Based Imaging and the HMS BIRT program.
Conflicts of Interest: None.