David W. Bates, MD, MSc
Dr. Bates is an internationally renowned expert in using information technology to improve clinical decision-making, patient safety, quality-of-care, cost-effectiveness, and outcomes assessment in medical practice. A practicing general internist, Dr. Bates is Chief Innovation Officer at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston where he is also Chief of the Division of General Internal Medicine. He is a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, and a Professor of Health Policy and Management at the Harvard School of Public Health, where he co-directs the Program in Clinical Effectiveness. He also serves as Medical Director of Clinical and Quality Analysis for Partners HealthCare. He has been elected to the Institute of Medicine, the American Society for Clinical Investigation, the Association of American Physicians and the American College of Medical Informatics, and is past chairman of the Board of the American Medical Informatics Association. He serves as external program lead for research in the World Health Organization’s Global Alliance for Patient Safety. He is the president of the International Society for Quality in Healthcare (ISQua) and serves as the editor of the Journal of Patient Safety.
Conflicts of Interest: None.